On 24 June 1981, the European Commission submits to the Heads of State or Government of the Ten a report on structural changes to the budget and to Community policies.
On 24 June 1981, Gaston Thorn, President of the European Commission, sends to the Heads of State or Government of the Ten a letter in which he outlines the reasons behind and the scope of the reforms proposed by the College of Commissioners with a view to improving the functioning of and funding for Community policies.
En juillet 1981, le mensuel 30 jours d'Europe décrit la portée des réformes proposées le 24 juin 1981 par la Commission des Communautés européennes, mandatée par le Conseil le 30 mai 1980, afin notamment d'améliorer le fonctionnement et le financement des politiques communes.
Frans Andriessen, Dutch Member of the European Commission with special responsibility for competition policy from 1981 to 1984 and author, in 1981, of the eponymous report on European interinstitutional questions.
On 24 May 1984, Gaston Thorn, President of the European Commission, gives an address at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence in which he harshly criticises the lack of progress on institutional reform and makes proposals to revive the European integration process.