Cartoon by Ekö on General de Gaulle’s European policy (7 September 1960)

‘Charles de Gaulle’s road to Europe: not together, but side by side.’ Following a press conference held on 5 September 1960, General de Gaulle is accused of rejecting supranationality as a means of unifying Europe; instead, he develops his idea of a Europe of states. German cartoonist Ekö ironically portrays the highly idiosyncratic vision of European integration advocated by General de Gaulle. To the right of the French President, German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer.

Source et copyright

Source: EKÖ (Egon Körbi). "De Gaulles europäischer Weg, nicht miteinander, sondern nebeneinander" dans Freie Presse Bielefelder Tageszeitung. 07.09.1960, n°209, p.1.

Copyright: (c) Ekö - Freie-Presse

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Cartoon by Ekö on General de Gaulle’s European policy (7 September 1960)