Cartoon by Guiraud on the question of German reunification (22 November 1989)

‘Tonton sets things straight. The economy of the west before that of the east! Ja, ja, nach Paris first!’ On 22 November 1989, French cartoonist Ferdinand Guiraud paints an ironic picture of the fears of French President François Mitterrand (on the left) confronted with the economic clout of a unified German state and the revival of Pan-Germanism. To emphasise the fears of Paris, Chancellor Helmut Kohl (on the right) is sporting a military uniform and the pointed helmet worn by the Prussian and German armies.

Source et copyright

Source: GUIRAUD, Ferdinand. "Tonton met les points sur les i. L'économie de l'ouest avant celle de l'est! Ja, ja nach Paris d'abord!»" dans Le Canard enchaîné. Paris: Le Canard enchaîné. 22.11.1989, n°3604, p. 1.

Copyright: (c) Le Canard Enchaîné / Kiro

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Cartoon by Guiraud on the question of German reunification (22 November 1989)