Cartoon by Haitzinger on France, Germany and the CAP (21 November 1964)

‘And now get to work, and if you haven’t spun your wheat into gold by 15 December you’ll have to die.’ On 21 November 1964, German cartoonist Horst Haitzinger takes an ironic look at the difficult negotiations between French President de Gaulle and Federal Chancellor Erhard to determine common cereal prices in preparation for the drafting of the common agricultural policy (CAP).

Source et copyright

Source: HAITZINGER, Horst. "Jetzt mache dich an die Arbeit, und wenn du bis zum 15. Dezember dein Weizenstroh nicht zu Gold für mich versponnen hast, mußt du sterben."dans Simplicissimus. München: Simplicissimus Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H. 21.11.1964, n° 24, p. 380.

Copyright: (c) Horst Haitzinger

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Cartoon by Haitzinger on France, Germany and the CAP (21 November 1964)