Cartoon by Kb2 on Germany’s industrial power (8 August 1945)

‘And what’s all that for? It’s to make my fertiliser …’ On 8 August 1945, French cartoonist Kb2 illustrates the scepticism and speculation of France (Marianne) as to the reasons given by Germany (Germania) to justify its industrial power. At the end of the war, France is preoccupied by concerns over its security and economic prosperity and wants to avoid any revival of German economic and military might.

Source et copyright

Source: Kb2. "Et tout ça? Ben, c'est pour fabriquer mes engrais." dans Le Canard enchaîné. Paris: Le Canard enchaîné. 09.08.1945, n°7298, p.4.

Copyright: (c) Le Canard Enchaîné / KB2

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Cartoon by Kb2 on Germany’s industrial power (8 August 1945)