Cartoon by Lang on the Franco-German negotiations on the CAP (June 1965)

‘Sporting weekend in Bonn.’ In June 1965, as bilateral talks are held between France and Germany in Bonn, German cartoonist Ernst Maria Lang illustrates the difficult negotiations between President Charles de Gaulle (on the left) and Federal Chancellor Ludwig Erhard (on the right) on the question of the funding of the common agricultural policy (CAP).

Source et copyright

Source: LANG, Ernst Maria. "Sportliches Wochende in Bonn" dans Süddeutsche Zeitung Münchner Neueste Nachrichten aus Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft und Sport. München: Süddeutscher Verlag GmbH. Juni 1965.

Copyright: (c) Ernst Maria LANG

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Cartoon by Lang on the Franco-German negotiations on the CAP (June 1965)