Cartoon by Leger on the Ruhr Statute (23 June 1950)

‘Robert, where are you taking me?’ On 23 June 1950, following the proposals submitted by Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister, for the establishment of a coal and steel pool in Europe, German cartoonist Peter Leger speculates on the future of the Ruhr Statute and the little ‘German Michel’, held prisoner and chained to his jailer Robert Schuman.

Source et copyright

Source: LEGER, Peter. "Robert, wohin führst Du mich ?" dans Hannoversche Presse. Hannover: Hannoversche Druck- u. Verlagsgesellschaft GmbH. 23.06.1950, n°142, 5. Jg, p.2.

Copyright: (c) Peter Leger (Karikaturist), Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn

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Cartoon by Leger on the Ruhr Statute (23 June 1950)