Cartoon on the referendum on the Saar Statute (13 August 1955)

‘The problem child. Marianne always used to swallow everything!’ On 13 August 1955, the periodical Deutsche Saar, mouthpiece of the Democratic Party of the Saar (DPS), publishes a cartoon criticising the action taken by France and Johannes Hoffman, Prime Minister of the Saar, who claim to be the main supporters of the new Saar Statute.

Source et copyright

Source: "Das Sorgenkind - Marianne, es hat doch früher immer alles geschluckt!" dans Deutsche Saar: Stimmen der Demokratischen Partei Saar (DPS). Saarbrücken: Demokratische Partei Saar. 13.08.1955, n° 5, 1. Jg.

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Cartoon on the referendum on the Saar Statute (13 August 1955)