European anthem
Son In 1985, the European Communities adopt the same anthem as that chosen by the Council of Europe in 1972. The melody is taken from the final movement of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, composed in 1823, which sets to music the ‘Ode to Joy’, a poem written in 1785 by Friedrich von Schiller. However, because of translation problems, Schiller’s words do not form part of the European anthem. The music is arranged by Herbert von Karajan.
Source et copyright
Source: Dernier mouvement de la Neuvième symphonie (Ode à la joie) / van Beethoven, Ludwig (compositeur); von Karajan, Herbert (arrangeur); Musique Militaire Grand-Ducale (interprète).- Sanem: CVCE [Prod.], 23-24.11.1998. CVCE, Sanem. - SON (00:02:15, Montage, Son original).
Photo: Union européenne. Commission européenne. Couleur.
Copyright: (c) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU
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Photo: (c) European Community
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