Nicolas Sarkozy
PasseportSource et copyright
Source: CVCE.
Photo: Portrait officiel de Nicolas Sarkozy, président de la République française (2007) . Warrin, Philippe. La Documentation française .
Copyright: (c) Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe (CVCE)
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Photo: (c) La Documentation française. Photo Philippe Warrin
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Date and place of birth
28/01/1955 in Paris (France)
Offices held
Town Councillor for Neuilly (1977)
Mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine (1983–2002)
Vice-President of the Hauts-de-Seine General Council with special responsibility for education and culture (1986–1988)
Member of Parliament for Hauts-de-Seine (1988–2002)
Minister for the Budget (1993–1995)
Spokesman for the Government (1993–1995)
Minister for Communication (1994–1995)
Interim Chairman of the RPR (April 1999–October 1999)
Minister for the Interior, Internal Security and Local Freedoms (2002–2004)
Minister of State, Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry (March 2004–November 2004)
President of the Hauts-de-Seine General Council (2004–2007)
Chairman of the UMP (November 2004–2007)
Minister of State, Minister for the Interior and Regional Planning (2005–2007)
President of the Republic (2007–2012)
Ex officio Member of the Constitutional Council (since May 2012)
Mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine (1983–2002)
Vice-President of the Hauts-de-Seine General Council with special responsibility for education and culture (1986–1988)
Member of Parliament for Hauts-de-Seine (1988–2002)
Minister for the Budget (1993–1995)
Spokesman for the Government (1993–1995)
Minister for Communication (1994–1995)
Interim Chairman of the RPR (April 1999–October 1999)
Minister for the Interior, Internal Security and Local Freedoms (2002–2004)
Minister of State, Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry (March 2004–November 2004)
President of the Hauts-de-Seine General Council (2004–2007)
Chairman of the UMP (November 2004–2007)
Minister of State, Minister for the Interior and Regional Planning (2005–2007)
President of the Republic (2007–2012)
Ex officio Member of the Constitutional Council (since May 2012)